In Times Of Joy & Pain Midwives Are There Every Step Of The Way

In Times Of Joy & Pain Midwives Are There Every Step Of The Way

It is so important for a pregnant woman whether for the first time or experienced, to have a compassionate caregiver such as a caring midwife. The experience of pregnancy and childbirth can be such a positive and uplifting experience both physically and spiritually when you have an empathetic caregiver. Mothers who have their baby delivered at a birthing center, with a licensed midwife assisting the birth, come out of the experience with a sense of completeness and peacefulness despite experiencing pain and discomfort. It is a natural and healthy human experience without the coldness of a regular hospital setting but with all the latest up-to-date needs that might be essential for a healthy and normal delivery of a baby. This experience is so vital in creating a future loving and wholesome relationship between mother and baby and family as well. What a beautiful beginning to a new life for the new mom holding a healthy bouncing baby girl or boy....



“Boil the water, get some newspapers,” were some of the directives used in home births many years ago. No one really knew for sure what these items represented. Some claim the boiled water was for sterilizing the instruments but only in the last century did actual sterilization have real meaning. (We can compare the understanding of sterilization and germs to the controversy of masking today). Home births were considered a safer option than hospitals before the discovery of the germ theory since the risk of death by delivery was increased in hospital deliveries. Only the very poor used the hospital to give birth where disease was rampant and death by childbirth was not uncommon. Many years later, hospital deliveries became the norm, and were considered the safest method of childbirth. Doctors were considered more knowledgeable than midwives who were not necessarily medically trained. In fact, a couple of centuries ago the only training that a midwife...